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Manifest Anything!
Course Content
What is Manifestation and How Does it Work? (2:36)
Introducing the 3-Step Manifestation Framework (2:32)
Step 1: Make a Clear Choice (2:24)
Step 2: Harness Your Personal Power (5:01)
Step 3: Commit to Consistency (3:20)
Common Manifestation Blocks (3:31)
How to Clear Manifestation Blocks (3:20)
Viewing Your Life as a Video Game (3:44)
How to Align Your Energy to Your Manifestation (2:51)
The 3D vs the 5D (2:40)
How to Enter the 5D and Quantum Leap (2:33)
How to Co-Create with the Universe (2:28)
Conclusion + Wrap Up (0:37)
How to Co-Create with the Universe
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